Tuesday, January 19, 2010

#100: Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook

The 360 degree view at the top

Wow, we've reached # 100!!! It's only fitting that the place in the #100 spot is my absolute favorite spot in L.A. right now...

Ok, I sheepishly admit that I was toying with the idea of not even blogging about this place because I love it so much and I wanted to keep it all to myself. As for my friend Kelly (hiking partner and motivation to exercise)--she would have had to swear an oath of secrecy. But then I realized that this is too good a secret to keep. So here it is... Are you ready? *Drum roll please* The Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook in Culver City!

That's downtown in the distance

I'm telling you--forget about Griffith Park, the Getty, or the Hollywood Hills... The best view of the city is right on top of the Baldwin Hills. From this unassuming vantage point, you can see from the ocean to past Downtown. It's breathtaking.

Another wonderful thing about Baldwin Hills is that it is helping me to fulfill one of my New Years Resolutions: to finally start exercising! Leading up to the top of the hill are 200+ stairs. And these are not your typical stairs--they're massive "My butt is so gonna hurt tomorrow" lunging stairs.

Small garden at the visitor's center

So it's raining and thundering out there as I type, but I hope once the sun comes out you're able to visit this amazing park. Check out the video above for my 360 degree video at the top (it doesn't do the view justice). Here are some tips for your visit:

1. Park on Jefferson Blvd for free. (There's also $6 paid parking at the top, but then you don't get to climb the fun stairs)

2. When you reach the huge sign for "Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook" on Jefferson Blvd, go to the left onto the trail (do not follow the paved road) if you want to climb the stairs.

3. It's much scarier going down the stairs than up them.

4. Pinky swear that you'll keep this place our secret otherwise it will become too crowded (like the Santa Monica stairs!).

Follow this sign to the left if you wanna take the stairs

Visitor's center
Visitor's center

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