Photo by Shimage
This one's for both the hiking over-achiever and under-achiever in all of us. Your over-achieving side will love the fact that at Wildwood Park in Thousand Oaks, you can trek to a cave, a waterfall and a teepee. Three hikes in one! Your under-achieving side will be happy to know that all of this sight-seeing requires less than 3 miles of walking. Sweet!

The first thing to do once you park in the free lot is to grab a trail map. They're in a little plexiglass container at the trail sign. Next, choose your adventure. There are so many trails here, but most people start off on the Moonridge Trail; the trailhead is located on the left side of the parking lot.
this sign is on the left side of the lot
My friend Mike and I were initially going to follow the right arrow toward Moonridge, but the alluring name "Indian Creek Trail" beckoned us to the left. For the first five minutes we were doubting our choice as the winding path took us past houses and dead brush. However, soon we came across a three way junction, marked by a metal stake in the path. We took the trail on the right, descending to the river bank. Bingo. This was the perfect trail--we didn't see anyone the entire way, it was shady from all the oak trees, and we even saw a couple of small waterfalls.

There's one easy river crossing on the Indian Creek Trail

Down the way you'll see a bridge on the right. Just past the bridge there's a fork in the road. Go to the right and in a few yards you'll see a sign for the Indian Cave. Take some time to explore this cave:

Indian Cave
Next, backtrack and take the left fork to the gorgeous Paradise Falls:

Photo by Shimage
From Paradise Falls, take the Teepee Trail:

and then connect to the Moonridge Trail back to the parking lot. Easy!
You can tell that people love Wildwood Park; it's extremely well-maintained. Dogs on leashes are allowed, just be sure to pick up after them.
Have you been to Paradise Falls? What did you think of it? Leave me a comment below!